How does smoking affect potency?

Smoking and potency are closely related. Nicotine addiction negatively affects the whole organism and disrupts the normal functioning of the genital organs due to poor blood supply. The more smoking experience a man has, the more likely he is to develop irreversible changes in the functioning of the reproductive system.

Harmful effects of nicotine addiction

cigarette smoking and potency

Cigarettes and potency are incompatible terms if a man wants to maintain good health until old age. To understand exactly how cigarettes affect potency, we need to consider the harmful effects of nicotine on the whole body.

Cigarette addiction negatively affects work:

  • nervous system;
  • cardiovascular system;
  • gastrointestinal tract organs;
  • organs of the genitourinary system;
  • respiratory system.

The destructive effect of nicotine does not appear immediately. This is a "slow killer", which leads to irreversible changes in the body with a long period of smoking.

First of all, the detrimental effect affects the functioning of the nervous system. Smoking and potency are closely related to stress and psycho-emotional stress. First, the person "ignites" stress, not realizing that it further increases the load on the nervous system. Over time, a "nervous tension-cigarette" connection develops in the brain, meaning a person thinks that smoking helps to calm down. In fact, everything is just the opposite, and imaginary calm is just the result of the current action of nicotine, which passes very quickly.

To understand exactly how smoking affects potency, you can know how men's health is related to the functioning of the nervous system. Constant nervous tension can lead to psychological impotence, and smoking only increases this risk.

How smoking affects potency in men is understandable if we take into account the effect of nicotine on the heart and blood vessels. The effect of cigarettes on potency is due to the deterioration of blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This occurs due to violation of the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and the loss of their elasticity under the influence of nicotine and hazardous compounds released during combustion.

First, the detrimental effects of addiction affect physical endurance. Prolonged smoking causes an increase in blood pressure due to the deterioration of blood circulation through the altered vessels, and increases the load on the myocardium due to lack of oxygen supplied to the tissues by the blood. As a result, endurance deteriorates, physical performance decreases, leading to a decrease in testosterone levels. At the same time, the speed of blood flow to the penis during erection worsens due to vascular disorders. All this means a reduction in potency.

Cigarettes also negatively affect digestive processes. Tobacco smoke, especially on an empty stomach, is dangerous by changing the production of gastric enzymes and changing the acidity of gastric juice. This leads to stomach problems and constipation. Constipation, on the other hand, is dangerous due to the deterioration of the blood supply to the prostate and pelvic organs, which leads to a weakening of potency.

Thus, the negative impact of cigarettes on potency in men is manifested by a complex and dangerous development of irreparable consequences. Moreover, the more experience with smoking, the more likely it is to develop irreversible changes in the body.

Cigarettes and hookahs

hookah smoking and potency

Once you have determined whether smoking affects male potency, you should assess the degree of risk. Cigarettes and hookahs with tobacco contain nicotine. This narcotic substance acts on the principle of neurotoxins. When inhaling cigarette smoke, a person feels relaxed for a while, but then the vascular tone increases and the load on the heart increases.

In the long run, it is fraught with the development of vascular impotence - erectile dysfunction due to insufficient venous blood flow in the penis. Vascular impotence is very difficult to treat and develops against the background of other cardiovascular pathologies.

Smoking cigarettes or hookah before intercourse leads to vasospasm. As a result, at the time of arousal, insufficient blood flows to the penis through varicose veins, so smokers often have a weak erection that a man cannot keep for long.

Cigarettes with menthol inhibit potency more, because the presence of a refreshing component allows you to take deeper breaths. Menthol anesthetizes the respiratory tract, reducing irritation from tobacco smoke. As a result, the person smokes more and the smoke goes deeper into the lungs.

Contrary to popular belief, menthol does not contain substances that cause impotence, however, tobacco products with this component in their composition and menthol cigarettes really have a detrimental effect on potency due to the deeper intake of smoke when smoking.

Smoking a hookah with tobacco is just as harmful to potency as smoking regular cigarettes. Abuse of hookah without tobacco can be dangerous to health due to obstruction of oxygen transport to internal organs during deep inhalations.

Electronic cigarettes (vape) for potency

The effect of electronic cigarettes (vape) on potency depends on the composition of the vaping liquid. If a person uses nicotine-containing fillers, the effect of electronic cigarettes on potency completely repeats the principle of action of conventional cigarettes. Nicotine also narrows blood vessels and impedes blood flow to the penis.

Vaping liquids without nicotine is conditionally considered safe, but the evidence base is not enough to draw an unequivocal conclusion about the dangers or benefits of this type of smoking. It is assumed that the composition of the vaping liquid is not harmful to health, because it contains only aroma, propylene glycol and water. At the same time, the exact effect of propylene glycol, which is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry, has not been determined.

Smoking illicit substances

smoking illicit substances and potency

The negative impact of smoking on potency in men is manifested not only by the action of nicotine. The use of narcotics, such as marijuana, also has a negative effect on health. Vascular problems and circulatory disorders occur under the influence of combustion products, but mental disorders that lead to worsening of the activity of the nervous system are of great danger.

This is potentially dangerous for the development of vascular impotence. To understand how such cigarettes affect potency and male potency, it is enough to imagine how many nerve endings are located in the genitals. All of them are damaged under the influence of narcotic substances, which leads to worsening of erection, weakening of libido and reduction of sensations during orgasm.

Some statistics

a graph of the smoking experience and its impact on potency

Once we understand whether smoking affects potency and erection, it should be understood that the sooner a man can overcome addiction, the greater the chances of restoring men’s health. To see exactly what is the harm of cigarettes that affect potency and how smoking harms men's health, we need to turn to statistics.

Potency in men who abuse tobacco begins to worsen after an average of 5-7 years of regular smoking. Severe vascular problems occur in men over the age of 40 who smoke for ten years or more.

The immediate effect of nicotine occurs after the first cigarette is smoked. At the same time, the potency deteriorates by an average of 15% immediately after smoking. This is due to vasospasm. As the effect of nicotine disappears, the potency will return to normal, because the spasm will pass. During the first smoking, such changes are reversible, however, in the case of a longer period of time, chronic circulatory failure and constant vasospasm occur.

Rejecting nicotine and restoring potency

smoking cessation and potency

Knowing what effect smoking has on potency and how nicotine affects a man’s body, steps should be taken to get rid of the addiction. Despite the fact that smoking belongs to the class of drug addiction, you can deal with it yourself. If you smoke for a long time, it is recommended to consult a specialist. There are many pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods for smoking cessation. It is not difficult to say goodbye to addiction, having a strong willpower and a desire to maintain health.

Recovery of potency after smoking cessation depends on how quickly the whole organism recovers. A balanced diet and taking medications for general strengthening will help speed up this process.

When you stop smoking, you have to completely change your lifestyle. Potency after smoking cessation is slowly restored, the speed of recovery depends on the length of smoking. If a man has smoked for no more than five years, it takes about a year for the body to recover, with proper nutrition, regular physical activity and adherence to a daily routine.